Actions change our beliefs.
Do you believe there is nothing you can do to make a difference? Logical.
Do you fear the future? Understandable.
Do you feel stressed about sustainability challenges? Sensible.
However, stress is your brain telling you to act.
Not only do actions change your beliefs, your actions change other people’s beliefs.
Paul Hawkin
Route 2030 has come of the starting blocks in line with the key thematic areas in Rwanda
Rwanda has integrated the Africa Agenda 2063 and the SDGs into its national development agenda through the draft Vision 2050, National Strategy for Transformation and related strategies at different levels. One key thematic area, following the latest SDSN index report for Rwanda is Human Capital Development.
In line with the SDG 4 focusing on quality of education and learning, the Education Strategic Plan is hinged on: (i) scaling up pre-primary enrolment (ii) improving learning outcomes (iii) improving relevance of curricula (v) promoting science, technology and innovation and (vi) access for all including those with special needs.
Two other key thematic areas are:
Inclusive Economic Growth: Economic growth has reduced both income and multidimensional poverty. With a share of 43.5% of the population in the labor force, youth is regarded as a key driver of growth, requiring the economy to accelerate job creation. NST1 is targeting to create 1.5 million decent and productive jobs by 2024 supported by the National Employment Programme.
Environment and Climate Change: Rwanda targets to become a green, climate resilient and low carbon economy by 2050. A green fund (FONERWA) is in place since 2012 to mobilise resources. The National Disaster Management Policy has been revised in line with the Sendai Framework, a shift towards more integrated and anticipatory disaster risk management system in Rwanda.
Route 2030 will work together on these important key thematic areas with several partners.
Currently, our Africa for Sustainable Development Program acts on:
SDG integration in education
Target SDG 4.7: Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Stimulate sustainable entrepreneurship
Target SDG 8.6: Promote youth employment, education and training
Climate solutions via bamboo-based projects
Target SDG 13.3: Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change
Positive Pursuit Global Network
Target SDG 17.16: Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development
Do you want to know more details about our actions in Africa, or are you interested in collaboration? Let us know via!